As the safety net hospital for the City and County of San Francisco, Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) delivers culturally sensitive care to an ethnically-diverse and highly vulnerable population. ZSFG also has a long tradition of training outstanding clinicians and continues to be one of the principal sites in which UCSF medical students, residents and postdoctoral fellows learn to take care of the most severely ill medical and surgical patients. The ZSFG CRS site is located in the midst of the acute medical service and is dedicated to the conduct of clinical investigation in adult subjects recruited primarily from the vulnerable populations.
The ZSFG site consists of a combined outpatient unit on the 5th floor of Building 5 at ZSFG (unit 5B). The unit is staffed by highly skilled research nurses. The ZSFG site is also supported by the sample processing laboratory.
Zuckerberg San Francisco General
1001 Potrero Avenue
Main Hospital - Unit 5B
San Francisco, CA 94110
Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM
Front Desk/Nursing Station
[email protected]
Nursing and Administrative Director
Deborah Zeitschel, RN, MSN
[email protected]
Administrative Nurse Manager
Roland Zepf, RN, MSN, PhD
[email protected]
Protocol Manager
[email protected]
Associate Director, Biospecimen Processing Lab (BSPL)
Ronald Honrada
[email protected]